The short video on Educational Change Challenge prompts a lot of questions that I had never thought of. 1. What is school for? 2. As a teacher do I and am I capable of expanding the classroom? 3. Do we need technology for learning?
In my opinion, school is another place where children and adults are given the opportunity to discover new things, ideas, collect and share information. After all even as teachers, we still learn from our students, especially our foreign ELL students.
I do agree that as teachers we have to meet and understand our students where they are, and to do so, we definitely need to expand the classroom by using everything that is available to us in order to reach or students and also keep them interested and motivated. This is where technology comes in, because the world has advanced so much in the past twenty five years, that we would all be lost without modern technology. Classrooms are equipped with video set-ups that we may be able to bring so much more into the class rooms than just text books.
Teachers also have to learn to be innovative in their own respect by being aware of the different cultures represented in their classroom. The classroom very often is a second home and needs to be warm, friendly and inviting.

Educational Change Challenge
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